Wednesday 22 June 2016

3 Pest Control Tips for Home & Property Owners

Home and property ownership has many, many demands and responsibilities already - but there is one niggling - maybe even ‘nibbling’ - issue that causes concern and - at worst - damage to it. With our insight as the leading property & lettings agents Belsize Park way - and having dealt with instances such as these and stranger - we can equate each level of home or property to a pest issue it’s likely to face and how to remedy it.

Semi-detached House, Flat or Bungalow - Fleas, Bed bugs & Ants!

You’re more general rented home or residential property can be effected by a pest infestation quite easily, considering the factors of size, location or even occupants both past and present - the state that the home was left in or the general state of cleanliness. Bed bugs - blood sucking parasites - thrive in unclean, warm environments. The same goes for fleas, except they usually spread animal-to-animal and like to nest on the actual person. If you should have a front-lawn or garden with open, dried out ground or even poorly set foundation and walls you can also suffer a ants nest - some varieties of which bite and fly!

There are commercial pesticides that you can use to remove fleas and bed bugs from specific areas; but sometimes the infestation can be so severe in some instances that you should contact a professional pest firm like Rentokill to resolve the issue, and then ensure you follow-up with more hygienic practices and greater awareness.

Town Houses, Listed Properties or Loft conversions - Rats, Mice & Pigeons!

Older properties in built-up areas such as these are more likely to suffer a different variety of pest.
Rats - for which it’s estimated there are 6 for every person of our 60 million population - flourish in dank undercrofts, drainages and feed from waste disposals and trash. Mice are less virulent but still a concern should their numbers get out of control - preferring to live beneath floor boards and behind walls, skittering noisily about which can be an annoyance - and finally there are pigeons. Pigeons have a habit of lingering wherever a good perch is and where there’s scraps to be had - they also leave … ‘white-presents’ all over the place.

Again you can invest in the humble rat or mouse trap to take some responsibility on for yourself, but for any significant issues with any of these problems its best to call in a professional pest removal specialist like Rentokill. They can implement a number of poison pellet dispensers or even repellents to combat the issue. Click here for more detail.

Manors, Mansions, Farm Houses or Listed Buildings - Bees, Foxes & Bats!

On the higher-end of the market of the wealthier and more landing-owning property owner there’s all the prior challenges and more besides with the kind of pests that will bug *sorry* you to no-end. Bees and wasps nests can be a concern should they take hold in one of your out-houses or adjoining structures of farm houses. With foxes - as anywhere - they scavenge for food in rubbish and make one hell of a racket at night. Speaking of which, it’s not unheard of for Bats to nest in barns, sheds or the crofts of older homes.

For these pest issues there needs to be a more specialist pest control experts that use more involved and intensive methods of removal or suppression. Encountering these it is best to leave these completely to professionals so that you aren’t exposed to any harm.

There you have it - the 3 most like instances of pest control and how to deal with them. Home renting or residency is really a burden enough without having to face the struggle of fighting nature at the same time. Regardless, if you need help with issues such as needs or any Estate Agent needs in Belsize Park; contact Property Time and keep informed on the latest from us!